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The Level of Customer Orientation Behaviour in Financial Planners in Malaysia
Customer orientation behaviour’ refers to an employee’s tendency or predisposition to meet a customer’s needs during service encounters, and has become a prime variable of

Covid-19, Financial Literacy & Investment Strategies
Global Pandemic and the Importance of Investment Literacy For almost a year, Malaysia and many other countries all over the world have been battling the

What is Personal Financial Engineering?
Personal Financial Engineering (PFE) refers to the use of mathematical and statistical techniques to solve financial problems systematically, as defined by Investopedia. This article explains

The First Gift for your Precious Child
Becoming a parent is one of the most joyous moments of our lives. Having a child changes us forever. What gift would you prepare as
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List of Financial Advisers & Capital Market Services Representative License
- Here are the list of Financial Advisers Representative (FA)>>Click Here
- Here are the list of Capital Market Services Representatives (CMSRL)>>Click Here
Registered RFP / Shariah RFP holder
- RFP / Shariah RFP holder is listed here>>Click Here
- Check your MFPC membership Status>>Click Here

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