Achievements, contributions and relevant up-dates in the financial planning
1. MFPC National Financial Planning Tournament Quiz Master (2 term).
2. Contribute articles for Financial 1st.
3. Contribute articles for Nanyang Siang Pau newspaper.
4. Lecturer for EPF Retirement Advisory Service (RAS) program.
5. Develop Financial Literacy Program for EPF Learning Campus.
6. MFPC/AIF National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) Financial Planning
mapping program.
7. Speaker for LIIA-PROGRAMME – Labuan Life Broker Induction Course (LLBIC).
8. Represented MFPC for TV interview, ie, RTM 1, RTM 2 & BERNAMA and BFM
radio broadcast interview.
9. Financial literacy program speaker for INTAN, PNB, SPRM, public and private
10. Review of MII e-learning RFP Module 1.
11. Evaluation and mapping on university’s finance and business courses for MFPC
RFP/Shariah RFP module exemption.
12. Examination questions review and setting.
13. Curriculum Review Session at UiTM.
14. Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA) Malaysia Accreditation Panel Member for
Individual Accreditation.
15. FAA Accreditation Panel Member for FAA Programmed Accreditation.
16. FAA Industry Expert (Wealth Management